Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's been a long time!

Wow it is weird to see that date. Moment of prayer for the families that have suffered!
Well I have missed the entire month of August on this thing, but at least I was busy! Here is some of what has been going on the last month.

The girls always have fun at Dede & Bubba's house! They have a collection of Power Wheels for all eight of the grandkids to fight over. These are Coco and Tess's favorites.

This is Teddy's idea of what to do when the grown-ups aren't looking...Thanks God for Clorox wipes! The rest of the Teddy gallery is some of his usually routines for the day...loafing and getting smothered with attention from the girls.

Tess and Coco started in school. I have to get Coco's pics off the camera still because she just had her official first day on the 3rd of Sept. She is going to preschool 2 days a week and gets to play with sand everyday!! Yeah!

This is Tess's first year of Kindergarten! She is so excited everyday to go to school! She wakes up wondering what she will learn new for the day! After a full day of school, she and Coco need some downtime....

WHAT? They have food and drink!!

I have started selling Pampered Chef products for the fun of it! I was sooo excited to get my apron, and now Tess has one to match. Rachel Ray is her fav and mine too. We are playing kitchen more and more...Dan wishes we would play kitchen everyday! So contact me when you want me to come and cook for you and your friends!!

Dan has taken up running and just ran he first 5 mile stretch all at one time yesterday. He is my inspiration. I guess I will learn to run too now. Updates with the next post!

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