Friday, June 6, 2008

Chores & Your Trunk

We got a pool membership yesterday!! Yeah! I want to take the kids to the pool everyday. "We are going again tomorrow," I said to Dan. His reply was less than ecstatic. "What would you rather me stay home and do chores?" Of course that sounds like a better idea for the love of my life, who suffers from a phobia of the piles of clutter that decorates our house.

Today I felt so productive yet child-like. Damn I'm back to "do your work and then you can play." But I guess I should finally learn this so I can teach my kids. We cleaned the house this morning and went to the grocery before we went to the pool. I WILL make it to the pool as often as possible, so I guess our house will be in pretty good shape this summer! Girl knows how to compromise!

On a different note. As I visited my grandfather at the assisted living home on Wed., I witnessed a comical scene. I arrived just in time to see my grandfather walking to the activity room for "Old Advertisements". The activity director reads a slogan from a TV ad (Good to the last Drop) and the residents guess the brand (Maxwell House Coffee). She came to one that she didn't remember about putting something on your trunk to soothe. She asked the residents if they knew which part of your body was the trunk. They contemplated and discussed it with each other and decided it was the top of the head to the waist (almost right). Just then a younger woman, maybe 60s, in the back said, "No, no, no. Don't you watch TV. Those men on TV are always saying "look at all that junk in her trunk"'s you backside!" She insisted despite comments to the contrary. All I could do was smile and laugh hysterically in my mind.

Pause the music player at the end of the page so you can appreciate the video.

1 comment:

Family times said...

That is hysterical!! You go girls!!!